




联系方式: qdhuang@gdut.edu.cn























2017年获最佳会议论文奖ACP 2017(排名第一)



1. Q. Huang, and K. S. Chiang, “Polarization-Insensitive Ultra-broadband Mode Filter Based on 3D Graphene Structure Buried in Optical Waveguide,” Optica 7(7), 744-745, 2020.

2. Q. Huang, I. Ghimire, J. Yang, N. Fleer, K. S. Chiang, Y. Wang, S. Gao, P. Wang, S. Banerjee, H. W. Lee, “Optical modulation in hybrid anti-resonant hollow-core fiber infiltrated with vanadium dioxide phase change nanocrystals,” Optics Letters 45(15), 4240-4243, 2020.

3. W. Wang, J. Wu, K. Chen, Q. Huang, J. Luo, and K. S. Chiang, “Graphene electrodes for electric poling of electro-optic polymer films,” Optics Letters 45(8), 2383-2386, 2020.

4. Q. Huang, and K. S. Chiang, “High-order-mode-pass mode (de)multiplexer with a hybrid-core vertical directional coupler,” Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37(16) 3932–3938, 2019.

5. Q. Huang, W. Wang, W. Jin, and K. S. Chiang, “Ultra-broadband mode-filter based on phase-shifted long-period grating,” IEEE Photonic Technology Letter, 31(13), 1052-1055, 2019.

6. Q. Huang, Y. Wu, W. Jin, and K. S. Chiang, “Mode multiplexer with cascaded vertical asymmetric waveguide directional couplers,” Journal of Lightwave Technology 36(14), 2903-2911, 2018.

7. Q. Huang, K. S. Chiang and, W. Jin, “Thermo-optically controlled vertical waveguide directional couplers for mode-selective switching,” IEEE Photon. Journal, 10(6), Art. no. 6602714, 2018.

8. Q. Huang, W. Jin, and K. S. Chiang, “Broadband mode switch based on three-dimensional waveguide Mach–Zehnder interferometer,” Optics Letters 42(23), 4877-4880, 2017.

9. Q. Huang, Y. Yu, X. Li, X. Chen, Y. Zhang, W. Zhou, and C. Du, “Micro-bending vector sensor based on six-air-hole grapefruit microstructure fiber using lateral offset splicing,” Optics Express 23, 3010-3019,2015.

10. Q. Huang, Y. Yu, S. Ruan, X. Li, X. Chen, Y. Zhang, W. Zhou, and C. Du, “In-Fiber Grating Fabricated by Femtosecond Laser Direct Writing for Strain Sensing,” IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27, 1216-1219, 2015.

11. Q. Huang, Y. Yu, Z. Ou, X, Chen, J. Wang, P. Yan, and C. Du, “Refractive Index and Strain Sensitivities of a Long Period Fiber Grating,” Photonic Sensors 4, 92-96, 2014.

12. Y. Yu, X. Chen, Q. Huang, C. Du, S. Ruan, H. Wei, “Enhancing the pressure sensitivity of a Fabry–Perot interferometer using a simplified hollow-core photonic crystal fiber with a microchannel,” Applied Physics B 120, 461–467, 2015.

13. L. Jiang, Q. Huang, and K. S. Chiang, “Graphene-Buried Polymer Waveguide Mach-Zehnder Interferometer for Low-Power All-Optical Switching” OECC 2021 Hong Kong SAR, China.

14. Q. Huang, and K. S. Chiang, “Polarization-Insensitive Mode Filtering With L-Shaped Graphene Structure Embedded in Polymer Waveguide” CLEO-PR 2020, Australia.

15. Q. Huang, Y. Wu, W. Jin, and K. S. Chiang, “Broadband Mode Router Based on Three-Dimensional Mach-Zehnder Interferometer and Waveguide Branches,” CLEO, 2018, United State.

16. Q. Huang, W. Wang, W. Jin, and K. S. Chiang, “Broadband filtering of the fundamental mode of a few-mode waveguide with a phase-shifted long-period grating,” CLEO-PR, 2018, Hong Kong SAR, China.

17. Q. Huang, K. S. Chiang and, W. Jin, “Thermo-optic Switchable Mode Multiplexer Based on Cascaded Vertical Waveguide Directional Couplers,” OECC, 2017, Singapore.

18. Q. Huang, Y. Wu, W. Jin, and K. S. Chiang, “Six-mode multiplexer with cascaded vertical asymmetric waveguide directional couplers,” ACP, 2017, Guangzhou, China. 最佳会议论文奖 Best paper award

19. Q. Huang, Y. Wu, W. Jin, and K. S. Chiang, “Five-mode multiplexer based on cascaded vertical directional couplers,” IPC, 2016, United State.

20. Q. Huang, Y. Yu, Z. Ou, X, Chen, J. Wang, P. Yan, and C. Du, “Twist characteristic of long period fiber grating in all-solid photonic crystal fiber,” POEM 2014.





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